The purpose of Repo-Jobs.com
EEOC program is to insure the promotion of equal opportunity for all
persons employed or seeking employment, without regard to race,
color, creed, national origin, sex, age or handicap. It shall be the
policy of Repo-Jobs.com to provide equal opportunity to all
applicants for employment and to administer all personnel practices
such as recruitment, selection, training, promotions, terminations,
transfers, layoffs, compensation, benefits and other terms,
conditions and privileges of employment in a manner which does not
discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, age, sex, sexual
orientation, national origin or handicap. It is the policy of Repo-Jobs.com
No practice, activity, policy or decision which discriminates
against an individual or group on the basis of race, color, age,
nationality, creed, sex sexual orientation, or handicap shall be
allowed to stand.
Affirmative action will be taken to identify the areas where
minorities and women are underutilized, and a vigorous effort will
be made to correct employment imbalances. All decisions in regard to
recruitment, hiring, promotion, training, compensation and
terminations will be made in a manner in which they will further the
principles of equal employment opportunity and the achievement of
the established affirmative action goals.
These policies shall be applied to all aspects of recruiting,
hiring, training, compensation, benefits, upgrading, promotion,
retention, transfer, and working conditions of all employees.
Goals will be established in all categories of employment to achieve
minority employment balance that reflects the availability of
minorities in the labor market. Supervisory and management personnel
will be evaluated on their compliance with this program and their
ability to achieve the established goals. The purpose of Repo-Jobs.com
commitment to such goals as to minority employment balance is to
meet its affirmative action obligations. This commitment is not
intended and shall not be used to discriminate against any qualified
applicant or employee.
Race, color, creed, nationality, age, sex sexual orientation, or
handicap shall not be a criteria on how transit service is provided
to the public. Service shall be provided in a non-discriminatory
manner. Repo-Jobs.com Management will evaluate and monitor the Equal Employment
Opportunity Program and adhere to the administration of the policy
and program.
Successful implementation of Repo-Jobs.com Equal Employment
Opportunity Program will provide
positive benefits to the Repossession industry through fuller utilization and
development of previously underutilized human resources.